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Claudia Roden

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Claudia Roden
ụdịekerenwanyị Dezie
mba o sịObodoézè Nà Ofú Dezie
Aha enyereClaudia Dezie
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya1936 Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụCairo Dezie
asụsụ ọ na-asụ, na-ede ma ọ bụ were na-ebinye akaBekee Dezie
Ọrụ ọ na-arụOdee akwụkwọ, anthropologist Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọSaint Martin's School of Art Dezie
Ebe obibiHampstead Garden Suburb Dezie
Ihe nriteOnyinye Prince Claus, Commander of the Order of the British Empire Dezie
Claudia Roden


Claudia Roden CBE (née Douek ; amuru 1936) bu onye Egypt amuru onye ode akwukwo akwukwo nri na onye okachamara omenala sitere na agbụrụ Sephardi / Mizrahi . [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] A maara ya nke ọma dị ka onye edemede nke akwụkwọ nri Middle Eastern gụnyere A Book of Middle Eastern Food, New Book of Middle Eastern Food and Arabesque — Sumptuous Food from Morocco, Turkey and Lebanon . [2] [3] [5] [7] [8]

Ndụ mbido[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

A mụrụ Roden na 1936 na Cairo, Alaeze Egypt, ada Cesar Elie Douek na nwunye ya Nelly Sassoon. [1] Nne na nna ya sitere n'ezinụlọ ndị ahịa Siria na ndị Juu a ma ama bụ́ ndị si Aleppo kwaga na narị afọ gara aga; o tolitere na Zamalek, Cairo, ya na ụmụnne abụọ, dọkịta na-awa Ellis Douek, na Zaki Douek. [9] [10] [6]

Ọ bụ onye mmeri igwu mmiri na mba Egypt mgbe ọ dị afọ 15. [9]

Na 1951 Roden kwagara Paris wee gaa ụlọ akwụkwọ ụlọ akwụkwọ afọ atọ. Na 1954 ọ kwagara London ebe ọ gụrụ ihe osise na St. Martin's School of Art . Ya na ụmụnne ya nwoke Ellis Douek na Zaki Douek kesara ụlọ. N'otu ọnụ ụlọ dị na London, Roden, mgbe ọ na-esi nri maka ụmụnne ya, ọ malitere ịnwale isi nri. O chetara ntụziaka ezinụlọ sitere na Alphandary, pies with aubergine na spinach, na mint na atụrụ. Ha abụọ bụ nri anaghị esikarị na London n'oge ahụ, yabụ ịchọta ihe oriri na Lọndọn bụ ihe egwuregwu. [11]

Ọ laghachighị Ijipt ihe dị ka otu ụzọ n'ụzọ anọ nke narị afọ, nke ọma mgbe a chụpụrụ ezinụlọ ya na ọtụtụ ndị Juu nke Cairo; ọtụtụ akwụkwọ ya na-egosipụta agụụ ya maka omenala obodo dị nso nke funahụrụ, ọkachasị dịka e gosipụtara n'ihe nka nri na mmemme mmekọrịta ndị metụtara ha. [12] [6]

Ọrụ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

E wezụga ọtụtụ mpịakọta cookery ya, Roden arụkwara ọrụ dị ka onye ode akwụkwọ nri na onye na-egosi ihe ngosi nri maka BBC . [13]

Ndị na-ede ihe oriri na ndị isi nri dị ka Melissa Clark na Yotam Ottolenghi ekwuola na ọ na-ekere òkè dị ukwuu n'iwebata nri Egypt karịsịa na Middle East n'ozuzu na Britain na United States. Paul Levy na-agụ ya na ndị edemede nri ndị ọzọ dị ka Elizabeth David, Julia Child, Jane Grigson, na Sri Owen bụ ndị, site na 1950 gaa n'ihu, "mere mkparịta ụka gburugburu nri iji zaa ajụjụ banyere omenala, ọnọdụ, akụkọ ihe mere eme na njirimara." [6] Ọtụtụ akwụkwọ nri ya, Clark na-ede, "ewepụtala ụdị ọrụ nke bụ akwụkwọ edemede na nyocha miri emi mgbe ọ ka nọ, n'obi, akwụkwọ ntuziaka bara uru banyere otu esi eme nri dị ụtọ." [6]

Ọrụ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Onye isi oche (onye bụbu onye isi oche) nke Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery (2012 – dị ugbu a) [14]

Onye nkwanye ugwu nke Mahadum Mahadum London (2008) [15]

Mahadum Yale Fellow, USA (2010 - 2011) [16]

Ndị otu na-asọpụrụ nke Ụlọ Akwụkwọ nke Oriental na African Studies (2012) [16]

Ndụ onwe onye[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Na 1959, ọ lụrụ Paul Roden, bụ́ onye na-ebubata uwe, ha kewakwara mgbe afọ 15 gasịrị. [9] Ha mụrụ ụmụ atọ. [9] [17]

Ọ bi na Hampstead Garden Suburb kemgbe mmalite 1970s. [17]

Ihe omume na onyinye[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

  • 1997 - Akwụkwọ nrite nke mba ndị Juu na ngalaba Sephardic na Ashkenazic Culture na Customs maka Akwụkwọ nri ndị Juu [18]
  • Roden bụ onye nkwado nke ndị ọrụ ebere HIV nke dabeere na London The Chain Food . [19]
  • 1999 - Prince Claus Award "n'ịkwado atụmatụ ya pụrụ iche na mmezu ya na ngalaba omenala." sitere na Prince Claus Fund, otu omenala na mmepe mba ụwa nke dabeere na Amsterdam . [11]
  • 2005 - André Simon Memorial Fund Nrite Akwụkwọ nri maka akwụkwọ akụkọ na-abụghị akụkọ maka Akwụkwọ nri ndị Juu. [20]
  • 2005 - Glenfiddich Akwụkwọ nri kacha mma maka Arabesque. [21] [22]
  • 2019 : Onye na-ahụ maka nri kwa ọnwa : Mmeri ndụ oge niile [23]
  • 2022 - A họpụtara Roden ka ọ bụrụ ọchịagha nke Order of the British Empire (CBE) na 2022 New Year Honors maka ọrụ na omenala nri.
Claudia Roden (n'aka nri) na Paul Levy (n'etiti) n'etiti ndị na-ekwurịta okwu na Oxford Symposium, 2006

Mbipụta[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

  • 1968: A Book of Middle Eastern Food, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 1970: A New Book of Middle Eastern Food, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 1978 Coffee, (Faber & Faber 1978) New updated edition Pavilion (1994) Àtụ:ISBN
  • 1981: Picnic: The Complete Guide to Outdoor Food, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 1986: Middle Eastern Cooking, Àtụ:ISBN
  • 1987: Mediterranean Cookery, accompanied The BBC TV series (BBC Books 1987, newly enlarged edition Penguin Classic 1998) Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 1990: The Food of Italy, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 1992: Claudia Roden's Invitation to Mediterranean Cooking: 150 Vegetarian and Seafood Recipes, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 1995: Everything Tastes Better Outdoors, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 1996: The Book of Jewish Food: An Odyssey from Samarkand and Vilna to the Present Day, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 1999: Coffee: A Connoisseur's Companion, Àtụ:ISBN
  • 1999: Tamarind and Saffron: Favourite Recipes from the Middle East, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 2000: The New Book of Middle Eastern Food, Àtụ:ISBN
  • 2001: Picnics: And Other Outdoor Feasts, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 2003: Claudia Roden's Foolproof Mediterranean Cooking, Àtụ:ISBN
  • 2003: Foreword to Traditional Moroccan Cooking by Madame Guinaudeau, Àtụ:ISBN (reprint)
  • 2004: The Arab-Israeli Cookbook: The Recipes, with Robin Soans, Àtụ:ISBN
  • 2005: Arabesque - Sumptuous Food from Morocco, Turkey and Lebanon, Àtụ:ISBN
  • 2006: Arabesque: A Taste of Morocco, Turkey, and Lebanon, Àtụ:ISBN
  • 2007: Simple Mediterranean Cookery, Àtụ:ISBN
  • 2011: The Food of Spain, Àtụ:ISBN
  • 2021: Claudia Roden’s Mediterranean, Àtụ:ISBN

Edensibia[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Claudia Roden | Jewish Women's Archive. Jwa.org (2009-03-20). Retrieved on 2012-03-27.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Rachel Cooke. "Claudia Roden: interview | Life and style | The Observer", Guardian, 2012-03-18. Retrieved on 2012-03-27.
  3. 3.0 3.1 YaleNews | Renowned Food Writer Claudia Roden To Serve Up Lecture at Yale. News.yale.edu (2010-10-12). Retrieved on 2012-03-27.
  4. Camas. A Conversation with Claudia Roden at. Epicurious.com. Archived from the original on 2012-03-19. Retrieved on 2012-03-27.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Activities. Prince Claus Fund (2011-12-17). Archived from the original on 2013-07-30. Retrieved on 2012-03-27.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Clark. "Traveling the World for Recipes, but Always Looking for Home", The New York Times, 1 November 2021. Retrieved on 13 November 2021.
  7. Claudia Roden (2010-03-24). Claudia Roden from HarperCollins Publishers. Harpercollins.com. Archived from the original on 2012-01-24. Retrieved on 2012-03-27.
  8. Weigel (6 December 2006). Claudia Roden's new cookbook, Arabesque, an excellent primer on the Middle East. - Slate Magazine. Slate.com. Retrieved on 2012-03-27.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Pownall (13 July 2014). Claudia Roden: an interview with the champion of Middle Eastern food. Retrieved on 2 April 2018.
  10. Jews of Egypt, with Dr Ellis Douek. harif.org (17 August 2013). Retrieved on 2 April 2018.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Claudia Roden (en). Jewish Women's Archive. Retrieved on 2022-07-30.
  12. Roden (1996). The Book of Jewish Food: An Odyssey from Samarkand and Vilna to the Present Day (in English). New York: Knopf, Passim. ISBN 9780394532585. 
  13. Claudia Roden. IMDb. Retrieved on 2022-07-30.
  14. About us (en-GB). Oxford Food Symposium. Retrieved on 2022-07-30.
  15. Ms Claudia Roden | Staff | SOAS University of London (en). www.soas.ac.uk (31 October 2008). Retrieved on 2022-07-30.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Ms Claudia Roden, Honorary Fellow, SOAS, University of London (en). www.soas.ac.uk. Archived from the original on 8 January 2021. Retrieved on 2022-07-30.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Lewis (18 May 2014). Claudia Roden: 'My kids preferred beans on toast to hummus and pitta'. The Guardian. Retrieved on 2 April 2018.
  18. Past Winners (en). Jewish Book Council. Archived from the original on 2020-06-05. Retrieved on 2020-01-25.
  19. our patrons. The Food Chain (1999-02-22). Archived from the original on 2012-04-09. Retrieved on 2012-03-27.
  20. Past winners of the Andre Simon Memorial Fund Awards - the annual awards for food and drink books.. www.andresimon.co.uk. Retrieved on 2022-07-30.
  21. Claudia Roden | Contributors | Frieze (en). www.frieze.com. Retrieved on 2022-07-30.
  22. Claudia Roden (en-US). David Higham Associates. Retrieved on 2022-07-30.
  23. Bee Wilson, "OFM Awards 2019: Lifetime achievement – Claudia Roden" in The Observer (20 October 2019)

Njikọ mpụga[dezie | dezie ebe o si]