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Ndepụta nke Sphenisciformes site na ọnụ ọgụgụ

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Ndepụta nke Sphenisciformes site na ọnụ ọgụgụ
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Nke bụ ndepụta nke ụdị Sphenisciformes site na ọnụ ọgụgụ ụwa. Ọ bụ ezie na ọnụ ọgụgụ bụ atụmatụ, ndị ọkachamara na ngalaba ha emeela ha.

Sphenisciformes (site na Latin maka "ụdị ụdọ") bụ usoro taxonomic nke penguins nọ na ya. Ndụ Bird mba ụwa enyochawo ụdị iri na asatọ. 16 (89% nke ngụkọta ụdị) emeela atụmatụ ọnụ ọgụgụ ha: ndị na efu efu bụ eze na obere penguins, nke a nyochara abụọ ahụ dị ka ndị na adịchaghị echegbu onwe ha.

A na eji ụzọ dịgasị iche iche maka ịgụta penguins, na Eprel 2012 hụrụ ọnụ ọgụgụ mbụ ha site na mbara igwe, mgbe ejiri ihe oyiyi sitere na Ikonos, QuickBird-2, na WorldView-2 satellites gụọ ndị eze Antarctican.[1] Nke a bụ usoro yiri nke UNHCR ji gụọ ụmụ mmadụ na Somalia.[2] Ọtụtụ nnyocha ndị na eme n'oké osimiri na eji eriri na-adịghị mma iji tụọ njupụta; a na agbakwunye nke a n'ebe anụmanụ ahụ dị.[3] A na agụ Galapagos kwa afọ kemgbe 1961 site na Galápagos Ọrụ Ntụrụndụ Mba. Site n'ala na oké osimiri, ha na eme ọnụ ọgụgụ zuru oke na mpaghara iri na ọnụ ọgụgụ nkebi na anọ. Nnyocha nke nnụnụ 721 nke afọ 2012 gosipụtara na ọkwa anọgidewo na adị otu n'ime afọ ndị na adịbeghị anya, ọ dịghịkwa mkpa ịgbanwe atụmatụ zuru ezu ugbu a.[4] Maka ozi ndị ọzọ gbasara otu esi achọpụta atụmatụ ndị a, lee isiokwu Wikipedia banyere ihe ndị dị ndụ na ihe ndị dị gburugburu ebe obibi.

Ụdị ndị a na enweghị ike itinye na ndepụta nke ọdịdị a gụnyere Waitaha penguin, nke ikpeazụ a kwenyere na ọ nwụrụ n'etiti 1300 na 1500 AD (n'oge na adịghị anya mgbe Polynesian rutere New Zealand), na Chatham penguin, bụ nke a maara naanị site na subfossils mana enwere ike idebe ya n'agbata oge ụfọdụ n'etiti 1867 na 1872.[5] Adélies na emperors na-akpa akwụ́ na Antarctica ma na eri nri na ice gbajiri agbaji; mmetụta okpomọkụ ụwa na nke ikpeazụ nwere ike imetụta ọnụ ọgụgụ ha, na chinstraps na gentoo, nke abụọ na eri na mmiri mepere emepe, anọwo na abanye n'ime Adélie na ndị eze ukwu na ebute ice. Gentoo ahụla mmụba nke 7500% nke ọnụ ọgụgụ mmadụ kemgbe 1974, na chinstraps 2700%.[6]

Ụdị dị iche iche site na ọnụ ọgụgụ ụwa[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Common name Binomial name Population Status Trend Notes Image
Galapagos penguin Spheniscus mendiculus 1800 EN[7] [7]
Humboldt penguin Spheniscus humboldti 3300 – 12 000 VU[8] [8]
Fiordland penguin Eudyptes pachyrhynchus 5000 – 6000 VU[9] [9] Only mature individuals were included in the count.[9]
Yellow-eyed penguin Megadyptes antipodes 5930 – 6970 EN[10] [10] Estimate is dated (1988/89).[10]
African penguin Spheniscus demersus 75 000 – 80 000 EN[11] [11] 5000 breeding pairs in Namibia & 21 000 in South Africa.[11]
Snares penguin Eudyptes robustus 93 000 VU[12] [12]
Erect-crested penguin Eudyptes sclateri 195 000 – 210 000 EN[13] [13] Population breeds in two locations: the Bounty Islands (26 000 pairs), & the Antipodes Islands (41 000 pairs).[13]
Northern rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi 530 000 EN[14] [14] Only mature individuals were included in the count (265 thousand pairs); population has declined 57% in the past 37 years.[14]
Emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri 595 000 NT[15] [15]
Gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua 774 000 LC[16] [16] Only mature individuals were included in the count (387 thousand pairs).[16]
Royal penguin Eudyptes schlegeli 1 700 000 NT[17] [17] Only mature individuals were included in the count (850 000 pairs on Macquarie & over 1000 pairs on Bishop and Clerk). Estimate is from the 1980s, but population is stable.[17]
Southern rockhopper penguin Eudyptes chrysocome 2 460 000 VU[18] [18] Only mature individuals were included in the count (1.23 million pairs); population has declined 34% in the past 37 years.[18]
Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus 2 600 000 NT[19] [19] Only mature individuals were included in the count (1.3 million pairs).[19]
Adélie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae 4 740 000 LC[20] [20] Only mature individuals were included in the count (2.37 million pairs).[20]
Chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus 8 000 000 LC[21] [21] Minimum estimate.[21]
Macaroni penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus 18 000 000 VU[22] [22] Only mature individuals were included in the count (9 million pairs); main population centres at Île des Pingouins, Heard and McDonald (1 million pairs each), Kerguelen (1.8 million pairs), & South Georgia (2.5 million pairs).[22]

Hụkwa[dezie | dezie ebe o si]


  • Ndepụta nke nnụnụ site na ọnụ ọgụgụ
  • Ndepụta nke ihe ndị dị ndụ site na ọnụ ọgụgụ mmadụ

Ihe odide[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

  1. Dell'Amore. "Emperor Penguins Counted From Space—A First", National Geographic News, National Geographic, 13 April 2012. Retrieved on 2012-12-22.
  2. Yusuf. "UNHCR Tries to Count Somalia", Voice of America, 29 June 2012. Retrieved on 2012-11-21.
  3. Southwell (2009). "Black and white or shades of grey? Detectability of Adélie penguins during shipboard surveys in the Antarctic pack-ice". Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 136–143. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01584.x. 
  4. "Annual Galapagos Penguin and Cormorant Census", GNP News, Proceso de Relaciones Públicas – Parque Nacional Galápagos – Ecuador. Retrieved on 2012-12-22.
  5. Fox. "Ancient species of penguin found in DNA of bones", Otago Daily Times, 2008-11-20. Retrieved on 2008-11-20.
  6. Than. "3/4 of Big Antarctic Penguin Colonies to Disappear?", National Geographic News, National Geographic, 1 Dec 2008. Retrieved on 2012-12-22.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Spheniscus mendiculus IUCN
  8. 8.0 8.1 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Spheniscus humboldti IUCN
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Eudyptes pachyrhynchus IUCN
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Megadyptes antipodes IUCN
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Spheniscus demersus IUCN
  12. 12.0 12.1 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Eudyptes robustus IUCN
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Eudyptes sclateri IUCN
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Eudyptes moseleyi IUCN
  15. 15.0 15.1 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Aptenodytes forsteri IUCN
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Pygoscelis papua IUCN
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Eudyptes schlegeli IUCN
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Eudyptes chrysocome IUCN
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Spheniscus magellanicus IUCN
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Pygoscelis adeliae IUCN
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Pygoscelis antarcticus IUCN
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Eudyptes chrysolophus IUCN